Friday, December 21, 2018

Books - December 20 Book Talk

Lucille - The Bastard King by Jean Plaidy

Meredith - Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear
1. Maisie Dobbs (2003)
2. Birds of a Feather (2004)
3. Pardonable Lies (2005)
4. Messenger of Truth (2006)
5. An Incomplete Revenge (2008)
6. Among the Mad (2009)
7. The Mapping of Love and Death (2010)
8. A Lesson in Secrets (2011)
9. Elegy for Eddie (2012)
10. Leaving Everything Most Loved (2013)
11. A Dangerous Place (2015)
12. Journey to Munich (2016)
13. In This Grave Hour (2017)
14. To Die but Once (2018)
15. The American Agent (2019)
What Would Maisie Do? (2019)

Sharon  - Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng & Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue

Tracey - Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

Katherine - Tobacco Road by Erskine Caldwell

Fred - Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation by Ken Starr

Lorretta - American War by Omar El Akkad

Jan - Dear Committee Members by Julie Shumacher & The Shakespeare Requirement by Julie Shumacher

Kay - The Meadow by James Galvin & The Vance Stance by Vance Bonner

Kay - Boy: Tales of a Childhood by Roald Dahl

Lucinda - In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History by Mitch Landrieu

Valerie - An American Marriage by Tayari Jones & Another Country by James Baldwin

Kenn - The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century by Kirk W. Johnson & The Patch by John McPhee

Saturday, December 1, 2018